So, it’s the end of my second week back in school and I think this deserves a blog post! As some of you know, I didn’t have internet until a few days ago, so it basically was hell for me! Although I did seem to get a lot more done in comparison to now :s
So what does Evelien do when she doesn’t have internet? Well, she cleaned a lot (which was necessary) and she enjoyed getting things for her new room and decorating it. She also went out a few times and was very busy on the weekends, which meant that even though she had internet at home, she didn’t have time to use it :s But she survived!
My class schedule isn’t really that busy (as expected) and classes progress very slowly. So I have asked myself multiple times why I wanted to go back to school in the first place … I’m sure that feeling will pas sometime soon (I hope)!
I’ve also been enjoying my time with the international students at Artevelde, speaking foreign languages, hearing about their cultures, what they think of Gent … Makes me want to go abroad again, especially when I see the Madrid weather forecast!
During my weekends I’ve been preparing my room at home to be painted and coming up with extravagant design-ideas. I’m also starting to say goodbye to the old house and started by taking some pictures for memories …
So all in all, I’ve had a few good weeks and I hope that it stays this way.