Die keer dat ik mijn ID verloor

Ik excuseer mij al op voorhand. Het wordt weer een lange post ;-) Vorige week was ik weeral op reis. Ja, weeral! Deze keer ging de reis naar Spanje, op bezoek bij Dante die stage loopt in Alcoi. Veel gezien, veel gedaan en vooral veel rondgelopen....

Eat me!

Cupcakes! Please give me cupcakes! They’re not very common in Belgium but in the USA (especially New York) you can buy cupcakes on every corner of the street. As you can see, they’re like tiny versions of cake with lots of frosting on top and can ...

Garage sale

Something you don’t see much in Belgium are garage sales, but in the USA they are a real phenomenon. Every weekend you see signs on the streets letting you know of a garage sale nearby. If you follow the signs, you’ll end up in the front yard of s...

Sunday Streets

I started following Gavin Newsom, the mayor of San Francisco, on Twitter and he recently tweeted about Sunday Streets. This is a concept that started last year, where certain streets are blocked for cars so people can use them to walk ride their b...

Apple HQ

Next in my series of 'things to do when in San Francisco' is in the famous Silicon Valley! Yes, you guessed it ... Apple HQ is located only 15 minutes away from where Laurens is staying so that is definitely on my list of things to see! Unfortunat...

Go to university

Now something I would really like to do: walk across the campus of a big American University and breathe in the atmosphere. Maybe even walk in and follow a course, see the difference between Belgium and the USA. Oh and talk to some cute students ;...

If you’re going to San Francisco

As I'm writing this post, Laurens should be in the air somewhere between Frankfurt and San Francisco! And this time, he's not the one flying ... A while ago, I promised him to make a list of all the things he should do/I would do in the US of A. S...


Well, I have been in Finland since Saturday and have been enjoying every minute! Well, maybe not every minute, but still ... I like it here (except for the cold of course). So on Saturday I woke up at 3.30 am, my dad drove me to the airport and I ...


This weekend was a very relax-weekend. I went to El Rastro, sat in Retiro Park and was on the internets, oh and a little bit of shopping as well ;) Today, I was planning on going to the Prado museum. But when I got there, it appeared to be closed....

Just Launched

After my failed shopping trip on Wednesday, I decided to make an other go for it yesterday. And it was partly succesful: I bought a pair of flip flops (almost identical to the ones I have now, but in white). I also had a Granizado de Pina (a kind ...


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